Rabu, 30 April 2014

Tulisan 5 "The Economics Of Free"

The Economics Of Free

One of the most interesting and unique economic phenomenon to emerge over the last 10 years is the impact of technology in creating products that are free to the consumer. The most unique aspect of this business model is that it generates tremendous profits for those who know how to use it correctly. However, the rapid acceleration of technology has enabled a business model centered around offering products, services, and content that is free to the end consumer. The cost per unit of computing power effectively drops in half every 18 months. This means that the cost of providing a product or service to an individual customer rapidly drops to very near zero. Thus, companies who have already built out a technology infrastructure can provide products and services at a very nominal cost. The thing that enables this model is the freedom from content containers such as books, DVD’s, phones, tablets, or some other device for holding or storing content. By specializing in software based technology products, companies can capture all of the cost advantages offered by Moore’s Law without being constrained by the cost of containers for their content. For example Google creates free access. This model is very similar to traditional television, but offers the ability for advertisers to narrow down their customer base much more finely than is available through the broad-brush of television advertisement. An adjacent business model that has spawned from this paradigm that is quickly challenging the traditional model of using copyright protection to restrict content distribution. In this model, you capture value not by marketing to customers in hopes that they will buy, but by attracting customers to you because of superior content and capturing value through relationships with advertisers and affiliates that pay a commission for access to customers who have been pre-qualified by accessing your content. The opportunity for web marketers comes from creating outstanding content that is appropriately optimized for search visibility to draw customers to your website, then sell access to that population of customers to advertisers and affiliates. In the end, this phenomenon of ‘free’ is continuing to shape the online marketplace and is expected to produce the infrastructure for even more new business models to emerge in the future. It represents a new paradigm that will pose tremendous problems to people and companies entrenched in the status quo and great opportunities to those who understand and leverage this new business model.

Tulisan 4 " Rising Oil Price A Boon For The US Economy"

Rising Oil Price A Boon For The US Economy

According to the investors, the high-ceilinged oil price has come up with positive news for the U.S. economy. The Automatic Data Processing reported that the service industries got plenty of benefits. As a result of soaring oil prices, Benchmark crude rose by 32 cents to end the day at $92.51 per barrel in New York, while Brent crude lost 20 cents to finish at $109.34 a barrel in London. As a result of alteration in oil price, Benchmark crude mounted 20% higher in 2010. Hence, the economy is losing its importance on the commodity market. If the economy stays standstill, then the central bank assures to take a leap step. Another point to note down here is that the demand for distillate supplies that include diesel and heating oil dropped enormously. However, the demand for distillate supplies, especially in foreign countries resulted to increase in export. In North America and U.S. industries, many energy companies are expanding oil and natural gas drilling operations. The retail price on diesel has increased 80.1 cents higher per gallon. Its price will keep on rising because of the existing market scenario. The price of gasoline is soaring at $4 per gallon. However, a gallon of regular oil is available at reasonable rate. According to the energy trading, the heating oil lost 3.72 cents to end at $3.0007 per gallon. Gasoline futures finished at $2.6272 per gallon. Natural gas lost 3.2 cents to end at $3.749 per 1,000 cubic feet.

Tulisan 3 "The Effect Of Gas Price On The Economy"

The Effect Of Gas Price On The Economy

The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day which has pushed gas prices to record highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy. This makes that most motorists in the USA/Canada are shopping around to find the best deals on gas, but are still paying a lot more for it. High gas prices make people stop and think about their commute. This will affect the US economy. Analysts were predicting a gallon of regular to climb as high as $4.50 a gallon in California by Easter 2011. The effects of such big cost hikes will reduce available spending money for all those on average wages and below who need to travel significant distances in their cars, and this will further depress the US economy. Cars now are more fuel-efficient than they were in the 90s, so car owners can reduce your spending on gas by choosing fuel efficient vehicles. This will tend to raise car imports to the detriment of the US economy until the US manufacturers catch-up. It is not all bad news though. Companies that own oilfield reserves will be seeing the value of their resources growing, and businesses that are connected with the renewable energy market are growing rapidly right across the range of renewable energy sources from wind, to thermal energy, and of course that most popular of renewable sources which is solar. Renewable energy companies are growing fast and employing increased numbers of staff.

TULISAN 2 "Why Inflation Is Eroding your Savings"

Why Inflation IS Eroding your Savings

The basic principle behind inflation is that as the money supply increases, so too does the relative price of goods and services. In reality, most modern countries with stable, or fairly stable, economies have an inflation rate in the low single digits. In essence, you would have to be earning three percent or more in additional income each year in order to avoid a decrease in your buying power. Your savings must also increase at the same rate of inflation each year in order hold their real worth. If prices are rising annually but your savings remain unchanged, you are able to purchase less with the same amount as you were the previous year. This is why keeping your savings hidden under a mattress is not the smartest investment strategy, even if you ignore the security issues. What the vast majority of us do instead is deposit our savings into the bank. The problem is, following an increase in GST, inflation has risen above the interest rates offered by banks. It is still a far safer investment than storing cash under your mattress, but not as secure as it once was.. Modern investors need to more carefully consider their options when structuring a portfolio. The best thing to do is speak to an Investment Adviser, who can help sort through your options and minimise the impact of inflation upon your savings.

Sumber : http://www.artikelberbahasainggris.com/ekonomi/why-inflation-is-eroding-your-savings.html

Minggu, 20 April 2014



I.         In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an or the) if they are necessary. If no article is necessary, write Ø.

1.      Jason’s father bought him a bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2.      The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from Ø France to The United States.
3.      Rita is studying an English and Ø math this semester.
4.      The judged asked a witness to tell the truth.
5.      A big books on the table are for my history class.
6.      When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of Ø chocolate milk and Ø dozen oranges.
7.      There are only a seats left for Ø tonight’s musical at Ø University.
8.      What did you eat for Ø breakfast this morning ?.
9.      Rita plays Ø violin and her sister plays a guitar.
10.  The chair that you are sitting is broken.

II.      Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.

1.      This pen isn’t working. Please give me another
2.      If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee.
3.      This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me another
4.      He doesn’t need those books. He needs the others
5.      There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and the others are from others countries.
6.      Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat. Others was looking at magazines. Others was eating a candy bar. The others were walking around looking for more food.
7.      This glass of milk is sour. Another glass of milk is sour too.
8.      The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. Another was marching; another was at attention; and the other was practicing combat tactics.
9.      There are seven students from Japan. Others are from Iran, and the others are from others places.
10.  We looked at cars today. The first two we far too expensive, but the other ones were reasonably priced.

Tulisan 1 (Akuntansi Dasar)

Akuntansi Dasar

A.    Pengertian Akuntansi Dasar
Akuntansi berasal dari kata asing accounting yang artinya bila diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia adalah menghitung atau mempertanggungjawabkan. Akuntansi digunakan di hampir seluruh kegiatan bisnis di seluruh dunia untuk mengambil keputusan sehingga disebut sebagai bahasa bisnis. Pengertian sederhana dari akuntansi adalah suatu ilmu yang digunakan untuk mempelajari aktivitas pengeluaran dan pemasukan keuangan. Sedangkan pengertian akuntansi dalam artian luas adalah proses kegiatan jasa untuk mengolah data-data keuangan atau input yang nantinya akan menghasilkan informasi keuangan atau output dalam ukuran uang yang bermanfaat bagi beberapa pihak yang berkepentingan sebagai dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan ekonomi.
Akuntansi adalah suatu proses mencatat, mengklasifikasi, meringkas, mengolah dan menyajikan data, transaksi serta kejadian yang berhubungan dengan keuangan sehingga dapat digunakan oleh orang yang menggunakannya dengan mudah dimengerti untuk pengambilan suatu keputusan serta tujuan lainnya.

B.     Fungsi Dasar Akuntansi
·        Menciptakan sistem akuntansi
·        Membuat prosedur untuk mencatat, menggolongkan dan memeasukan secara singkat transaksi-transaksi perusahaan.
·        Memberikan laporan/keterangan pada manajemen untuk penyusunan anggaran dan pengendalian aktiva dan pengambilan keputusan

fungsi Akuntansi
·        Menyiapkan metode dan standar untuk mengukur ongkos yang telah dikeluarkan
·        Melaporkan data akuntansi
·        Menafsirkan data akuntansi

C.     Pihak –Pihak yang Membutuhkan Informasi Keuangan Akuntansi

1.      Pihak Intern
Pihak intern adalah manajemen perusahaan, informasi keuangan sangat dibutuhkan oleh pihak manajemen perusahaan untuk mengetahui perkembangan keuangan perusahaan yang dikelolanya.
2.      Pihak Ekstern
·         Pemilik perusahaan, informasi keuangan dijadikan dasar untuk mengetahui posisi keuangan perusahaan dan sebagai dasar untuk menilai kinerja dari manajemen perusahaan.
·         Bank atau Kreditur, informasi keuangan dijadikan dasar oleh pihak kreditur atau bank untuk menilai tingkat kesehatan suatu perusahaan yang akan dan telah melakukan pinjaman modal dan infromasi keuangan juga dijadikan dasar untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan debitur dalam mengembalikan kewajibannya (utang/pinjaman).
·         Investor, informasi keuangan dijadikan dasar dalam berinvestasi. Apakah modal yang diinvestasikan dalam suatu perusahaan akan memberikan keuntungan atau tidak.
·         Pemerintah, informasi keuangan digunakan sebagai dasar dalam penetapan besaran pajak yang akan dibayarkan oleh suatu perusahaan dan juga untuk mengetahui kemampuan suatu perusahaan dalam pemberian UMR karyawan serta pemberian fasilitas-fasilitas bagi karyawan sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku.

3.      Pihak – Pihak Lain
Pihak-pihak lainnya diantaranya mahasiswa yang membutuhkan informasi keuangan suatu perusahaan untuk menyusun skripsi, lembaga sosial sebagai dasar untuk menentukan suatu perusahaan yang akan dimintai untuk memberikan sumbangan atau donatur, dan calon relasi kerja untuk memutuskan apakah jadi bekerjasama atau tidak.

Pada dasarnya informasi keuangan terdiri dari dua komponen pokok, yaitu Laporan Keuangan dan Informasi Keuangan Lainnya. Laporan keuangan (accounting statements) adalah hasil yang diperoleh dari proses akuntansi keuangan yang bermanfaat dalam memberikan informasi keuangan bagi pihak intern dan ekstern suatu perusahaan. Laporan keuangan juga dijadikan sebagai penghubung antara data keuangan (aktivitas perusahaan) dengan pihak yang berkepentingan.

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